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Pipeotech joins the European Sealing Association

Geir Otto Amundsen on News · Jun 28, 2020

Pipeotech is pleased to announce that it has become a member of the European Sealing Association.

Established in 1992 as a non-profit making trade association, The European Sealing Association represents the manufacturers and suppliers of sealing devices and materials. The Members of the ESA represent a strong majority of the sealing industry in Europe.

The Flange Gasket Division of the ESA has a membership of over thirty influential organizations involved in the industrial gasket industry, including raw material suppliers, research organizations and all of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of gaskets in Europe.

This body of experts has the express aim of advancing the science of flange sealing through joint research and relevant education to assist gasket users.

What does the ESA do?

The current activities of the Flange Gasket Division are focussed on the following areas:

Influencing Standards – working with national and international standards bodies such as CEN, ASME and API to ensure standards which affect gaskets, such as EN 13555 and EN 1591 are realistic and relevant.

Maintaining a Gasket Database – the ESA Flange Gasket Division cooperates closely with the Department of Sealing Technologies in the Unversity of Applied Sciences in Münster, Germany in creating a database of gasket parameters in accordance with EN 13555 for gaskets available in the European market.

Enhancing the status of Bolting Technicians – by promoting training, skills assessment and approval of personnel responsible for flange assembly throughout Europe and in collaboration with our sister organization in the USA, the Fluid Sealing Association, producing supporting literature such as the pocket-sized Gasket Installation Procedures guide.

Technical Articles – preparing technical articles on all aspects of gasket technology for publication in relevant industrial and scientific journals.

– It is our aim to fully engage and contribute to the organization’s goals by sharing our expertise and learning as much as we can from our new European network of experts

Jarle Riber, CTO, Pipeotech

ESA Secretary-General Mark Neal said

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the European Sealing Association and all of its members in Europe we would like to welcome Pipeotech and its partners as a new member. The ESA thrives on input and contributions from all members on a voluntary basis and we look forward to hearing and hopefully seeing many of the Pipeotech employees in the future.’

Pipeotech CTO Jarle Ribler states

On behalf of Pipeotech, I’m delighted we have become a member of the European Sealing Association, a highly influential and important professional body within the sealing industry. It is our aim to fully engage and contribute to the organization’s goals by sharing our expertise and learning as much as we can from our new European network of experts.'

To learn more about the European Sealing Association please visit their website


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